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Goleta Union School

  Goleta Union School

This distinguished looking building with its majestic Spanish architecture sits in the heart of Old Town Goleta. A front park with a gazebo, beautiful trees and a winding brick path give it the feel of a town square. Known today as the Goleta Community Center, every local knows this as the hub of Old Town Goleta. cc1

On closer inspection, you’ll notice it was once called the Goleta Union School. It served as an elementary school for generations of Goleta children, from 1927 to 1976. The word Union explains that it was the result of a consolidation of the first three elementary schools in the Goleta Valley; the Goleta School, Cathedral Oaks School and La Patera School.rafaela 1870The first school in the valley was the Goleta School. It was originally called the Rafaela School, named for the widow of Daniel Hill. It was located on the south side of Hollister Avenue, across from Chapel Street, where the Goleta Hospital is today. The land was donated by T. Wallace More and the little red schoolhouse was built by volunteers in 1869. It was only 16 X 20 feet in size, but it served eight grades! rafaela 1870aThe students were nicknamed the “Clodhoppers”. Judging by this photo, the Clodhoppers were not to be messed with! Frank Kellogg, a local dairyman, was the teacher here for 14 years.2 story school1884As the population grew, the need for a larger school become apparent, so in 1883 a new two story building was constructed just around the corner on Patterson Avenue. The four lower grades were downstairs….2 story school GoletaAnd the four upper grades were upstairs. The new school was cleverly nicknamed the “Two-Story School”, but the students were still Clodhoppers. This school served the community well, until 1911, when it was condemned as a fire danger and had to be demolished. goletaschoolIt’s fascinating to study these young faces. We’ve all fantasized about living in Goleta back in the good old days, but judging by their expressions, maybe things weren’t so great.Goleta schoolkidsOr maybe the photography process was long and painful?

1911bTo replace the Two-Story School, this beautiful new school was built at the same location. By petition, it was named the Goleta School and it served the community there until 1927.1The Two Story School and the Goleta School were both located at 177 South Patterson, which today is where this auto repair shop is located.

cathedral oaks Farmer’s kids living in the foothills couldn’t walk all the way to Rafaela/Goleta School every day, so they started holding classes in a barn on the Maria Ygnacia Ranch in 1874. Concerned parents and residents paid Captain R.P. Tucker $50 for an acre of land and in 1877, they built this one room country school.

cathedral oaks 1894The kids at Cathedral Oaks School were mostly children of ranchers and farmers. Around this time, a widely circulated photograph had given Goleta national attention for their gigantic pumpkins, so these farm kids were nicknamed the “Punkin-Rollers”. cathedral oaks school todayAmazingly, Cathedral Oaks School is still serving Goleta as a nursery school to this day. Its been remodeled and added to, but the original building is still in there.sign

This sign is in front of the building, at the corner of Cathedral Oaks and San Marcos Road, designating its historic value.

lapatera1Also in 1877, parents living on the west side of Goleta formed a third school district called La Patera. Originally classes were held in an old house just west of Fairview Avenue. In 1881, a new schoolhouse, shown here, was built further north, on the east side of Fairview Avenue. fairviewThis is the location today, next door to the Goleta library.

la patera 1902La Patera School was moved again in 1895 to La Patera Lane, just north of today’s railroad.lapatera1900Due to its proximity to the slough and all the waterfowl, La Patera students were called the “Webfoots”.

hollister ave GUS location

In 1925, the community voted to consolidate these three Goleta Valley schools into one Goleta Union School District. Land was purchased from the Begg family on the south side of Hollister Avenue, just west of San Jose Creek. It had previously been the location two different saloons.ceremonyA building design by Santa Maria architect Louis N. Crawford was chosen and construction began at the end of 1926. A cornerstone ceremony was held on February 26, 1927, with much pomp and circumstance.

Goleta Union SchoolIt was designed in the Mediterranean style and only superior materials were used. They spared no expense, using reinforced concrete, fireproof walls and roof, hard maple floors, and the overall construction was said to be “earthquake resistant”. This was just after the 1925 earthquake, so it was heavy on their minds…

1927 Goleta Union SchoolGoleta Union School was ready for students by the Fall of 1927. The impressive new school had eight classrooms, a beautiful auditorium with a stage, offices, a kitchen, a locker room with showers and other modern conveniences.1911a Goleta SchoolIn 1928, the former Goleta School building that was on Patterson Avenue was moved to the back lot of the new school and used as a kindergarten until 1957, when it was demolished.Goleta School

The PTA was very active at the new Goleta Union School, helping to raise funds for important things like stage curtains and soup and sandwich lunches. The students were excited for all the new classes and activities like sewing, cooking, organized sports and performing on a big stage in an auditorium!

1932 Goleta Union SchoolMost of the Goleta kids were thrilled to go to such a big, beautiful new school, and to have so many more friends to be around. Clodhoppers, Webfoots and Punkin Rollers were all united at last!goleta kids

Goleta Union School historyWhile the Goleta Union School was built primarily to educate the children of Goleta, it also served as Goleta’s first library, a community dance hall, a theater, a refuge for flood victims, a USO facility during World War II and a public meeting place. Goleta 1951After World War II, the population of Goleta boomed. This created the need for several more new schools to be built around town. Shown above is downtown Goleta in Union School served thousands of Goleta students over the years. The teacher in this class photo is Middleton Squier, who saw this page and identified all these students for us!

From left to right, top: Kevin Sullivan, Josefina Torres, Middleton Squier, Alex McDavid (who supplied the picture originally), Debbie Felig
Row 2: Marie Moser, Eric Cantlay, Delia Brino, Jesse Simentales
Row 3: Susan Thompsen, Debbie Panel, Perry Glenn, Marian Hovey
Row 4: Russell Hicks, Maria Rivera, Ronnie Steinberger, Valerie Dougherty, Susan Hochstetler, Carl Udeson, Michelle Windroth
Row 5: Cathy Cramer, Elsa Orozco, Kenny Jorgensen, Sandra Rubel, Brenda Nielsen, Bobby Eakes
Unpictured: Linda Allen, Susie Hadley, Stephen Jeffers, Calvin Mobbs, Nancy Newby, James Ritto, Anthony Sevart, Steven Stockstad

Middleton Squier taught at Goleta Union School for 5 years. He generously gave us some unique insight to school life in Goleta in the early 1960’s. “It was a great school because its student body came from very disparate sources: affluent More Mesa, middle class tracts like Thunderbird, Old Town Goleta, and various transients attending for few weeks at a time following the harvest seasons. We had a social worker assigned to the school whose job was to locate students who had never been in a school, and she was successful. One student lived in a bus, another a cave. Each year I would have at least two students who knew absolutely no English. One Japanese girl memorized the Pledge of Allegiance.”

“The students appreciated anything you did, and the parents supported the faculty. A new pencil was a big deal.  I drove the school bus in the morning and afternoon and also ran the after school sports program. I had student teachers every semester from UCSB which helped tremendously with classes of 30+ students. One of my favorite memories is when the 6th graders played the faculty in a softball game, they kept tying us, and finally our augmented team of bus drivers had to leave for their runs, and the students won. Faculty won all the other years!”

Middleton continues- “Life in Goleta at the time was certainly less hectic. We lived in Married Student Housing (my wife taught art history at UCSB while pursuing her masters degree) so we managed to live spartanly. I mentioned driving the bus, running the sports program; I also was in the National Guard, supervised student teachers from UCSB, taught summer school, and had a Ford Foundation grant to study confluent education to augment my $100/week salary. I rode my bike through the back roads of the airport to GUS and parked it in the ball closet by the playground. We faculty men also played basketball at the Boys Club adjacent to the campus and were in one of the city leagues.” Busy guy… Thanks for sharing Middleton!

Mr. Squier provided this staff photo and named most of the pictured. Can you fill in any blanks?
Row 1 : _____ ?, Bruce Mitchell, principal; Bill Fidler, Harriet Baker
Row 2: Miss Patterson?, Judy Drummond, Julia Koobation, Helen Dyson
Row 3: Middleton Squier, Dottie Kaess, Barbara Podzimek; _____; Marilyn Clevenger; Bob Nicholson
Row 4: Isabella Waugh; Charlotte Street; Miss Riley?; Henry Sepulveda, custodian; Louise Redmayne, Office secretary, the real boss!; _____; _____


1975 GoletaThe 1970’s brought a decline in enrollment and several Goleta schools were closed. In 1976, the Goleta Union School was closed due to the lack of students and the old building didn’t meet modern earthquake standards. This was the class of ’75, the last year schoolkids posed on these steps.

Goleta Com center Rather than letting the beautiful structure to be torn down, local activists and two prominent government officials, Jack O’Connell and Bill Wallace, led a drive to save the historic building for use as a Community Center. Goleta Community CenterIn 1977, the County signed a 10-year lease with the School District to renovate the property and the Goleta Valley Community Center was born. But there was much work to be done. Saving Goleta Union School2The citizens of Goleta stepped up to save the beloved old school. Volunteer work parties were held and a “Goleta Center Fund” was started, raising money through donations and charitable events. It was truly a community effort, rallying folks together to save a part of their history, and to create a place of value for future generations.Goleta Valley DaysThe Goleta Valley Community Center was dedicated in 1978, during the Goleta Valley Days event. Opened on a slim budget, it immediately began to meet local needs with a small, but dedicated staff.Goleta commuity center1The 1980’s brought budget cuts, and it looked like the Goleta Community Center would have to be sold. A commercial development company proposed tearing the old building down to make way for a profitable new shopping center, but once again the citizens of Goleta came to the rescue. At a well attended public meeting in 1983, the people made it clear that they felt the school building was a “landmark worth saving” and that the center was a “vital Goleta institution”. community centerIn 1983, the County saved the day and purchased the property from the school district. They then leased the property to the Goleta Valley Community Center’s board of directors. They continue their stewardship to this day, continually improving the facility and making the grounds a charming, park-like setting. Goleta seniors The Center is the home to the Goleta Valley Senior Center, the Community Action Commission’s Headstart program, three daycare centers, food programs, Legal Aid, dance and karate studios, business seminars, training classes, churches, and much more. Several historic memorial plaques are on site, and annual events are held there, such as a Veteran’s Day celebration, summer concerts  and a Christmas tree lighting.Goleta community meetingIt is now, more than ever, the focal point for media gatherings, political meetings and public announcements.

paul wellmanIn 2013, the City of Goleta purchased the property. Due to the building’s age, safety issues have demanded City Hall’s attention. Hopefully they can work out a plan that will renovate the old school and keep it functioning as a community center and a town square for Goleta.

heart of GoletaThere may be no other building that represents the spirit of Goleta better than the Goleta Union School. Hopefully, it will be preserved as a historic landmark by the city of Goleta and kept open to serve the community, well into the future.

Sources: Goleta Valley Historical Society, Walker A. Tompkins, Horace A. Sexton, Gary B. Coombs, Santa Barbara Independent, Stella Haverland Rouse, Santa Barbara News Press, Justin Ruhge, Rosa Avolio, Sandra Esqueda Viola, Dorothy Oksner, Middleton Squier and special thanks to Lisa Scoggins.

Categories: Goleta History

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Tom Modugno

23 replies

  1. Love it! having grown up in Goleta in the 70’s and 80’s I loved reading this history. Goleta will always be in my heart for as long as I live.

  2. Thank you tom for posting this
    I guess we will all find out on Tuesday if the city of goleta will keep things the way they are or we will find out if people loose their jobs

  3. This is a wonderful project and display of Goleta History for all of the ancestors to share with our relatives still living for the Begg & Main settlors who came to Goleta in the 1885’s, etc. Thank you so much to those who put this together. Much appreciation.

  4. As a kid I went thru my school class, I think fourth grade, in 1978 to help with clean up. I remember removing bee hives. It was crazy.

  5. Thanks for sharing.
    Brandon Drive, Brandon School.
    What is the origin? Did someone named Brandon once live here?


  6. I just stumbled across this article July 4, 2021. My class at GUS was photographed in 1965. I can identify all the students if anyone is interested. I had just started my career in education, Goleta 6 years, Japan 35 years, Switzerland 6 years. Now retired. The pictured class was probably my favorite.

    1. Mr. Squire, I just had to reach out and say that you were my favorite teacher of all time. I had you the next year for 6 th grade. Susan was in this class photo and our brother Jack had you as well. Sounds like you have had a wonderful career. Thanks for the encouragement, patience and kindness you showed to all of us.
      Sarah Thomsen Riley.

    1. 2nd row 1st person with blonde hair to the left of Ms Drummond is Ms Rose. She took over Mr Fidlers’ 6th grade class in 65/66, which I was in, when Mr Fidler became Principle.

  7. My Mom Roberta Piatt was the librarian in early 70s. I can still smell old library smell when think about it.

  8. Hey Tom! Love all your history about Goleta. I grew up there from 1969 on with intermittent moves to Colorado. I went to Goleta Union through 2nd grade and had to transfer to El Camino Elementary in 1974 because Goleta Union was closing. We’re there classes at Goleta Union after 1974?

      1. Hi Tom, I finished 5th grade when GUS closed in 1975. Do you know if there are more class photos floating around out there? My name is Bill Rahilly

  9. Regarding the staff photo of 1965-1966,
    I believe the missing teacher in row 1,
    Is Mrs. McGurn. I graduated in 1966 and have so many great memories.
    I only spoke Spanish when I started.
    It was hard in the beginning. By 2nd, 3rd I was speaking English very well.
    Thank you for sharing the history of Goleta

      1. Hello Tom,
        Re: Ann McGurn. Ann is not in the photography of Goleta Union Teachers.

        Bottom left: Izabella Waugh, 1st grade; Charlotte Street (later married with new name) kindergarten ?, Unknown, Henry Sepulveda, head custodian, Louise Redmayne, secretary, Unknown, perhaps maintenance, and unknown, perhaps cafeteria.
        I think I did not identify Julia Koobation, second row, on right, next to Helen Dyson. Husband was administrator (Martin K.) in the Carpinteria HS district.
        Ann McGurn, 5th grade, retired around then. She was a character herself and taught her students to march like little soldiers. I guess that qualified as physical ed.!

  10. I’m pictured in the “last students” group photo
    1975! Top row, 4th from the left. Kellie Lawhern.
    Dale O’merrill was our principal.
    My friend Tina Vanderhook, front row 4th from right.

  11. Hello Goleta History:

    My mother Helen Dyson taught 2nd grade at Goleta Union School from 1950 until the day the school closed in 1976.

    She saved many of the annual “class photos” of classrooms and the Faculty & Staff group photos from the 1950’s & 1960’s. I would be happy to share them for your history if interested.

    Please let me know how to communicate with you.

    Best regards *Jacqueline Dyson

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